Searching for "declutter"

minimalist white orchids

Top Frugal Minimalist Blogs & YouTubers

Looking for frugal minimalist blogs and videos? This list will guide you to the top resources on living like a frugal minimalist! In this list I’ve included blog posts and YouTube videos that talk about frugal minimalism. Some focus completely on frugal minimalism, while others mention frugal minimalism while focusing on the synonyms, simple or […] Read more…

frugal minimalist striped shirt

Your Guide to Frugal Minimalist Living

Frugality and minimalism are sometimes thought to be opposites. How can you save money if you don’t stock up on sales? How can you keep minimal possessions without spending extra when you need to buy something you got rid of last month?? BUT there are a lot of places where they overlap. In fact, I’d […] Read more…

pantry shelves jars of oils, nuts, spices

Mini Pantry Purge Challenge

Ever look in the cupboards and repeatedly close them looking for something to eat? The pantry is full but it feels like there’s nothing to eat! You need a pantry purge! There are lots of ways to go about getting rid of stuff in your pantry. You could set aside a whole afternoon to take […] Read more…

No Spend Month Reflection: where do you want to be in 10 years?

10 Takeaways From the Über Frugal Month Challenge

As part of setting goals for the new year, G and I decided we would do the Uber Frugal Month Challenge by The Frugalwoods: a no spend month challenge! We like the idea of a whole month of really digging deep into our finances to make sure we are doing the best we can. We […] Read more…

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