Everyone dreams of a minimalist kitchen. One that is always clean and tidy, where everything has its place. The design is simple and timeless. Enter reality: you open the cupboard to get a container for leftovers and an avalanche of mismatched plastic lids and containers comes pouring out. Take it from me, this does not […] Read more…
Cleaning the kitchen can be one of the most time-consuming projects when it comes to home maintenance. It’s not surprising, considering how much goes on in the kitchen, between cooking, cleaning dishes, baking, and even eating if you use your kitchen as a dining area. Doing a full deep clean of your kitchen can be […] Read more…
Millennials are widely known for being tech-savvy and confident! At the same time, we have a bad rap of not saving enough money! But is it true? A 2020 Bank of America report reveals that about 73% of millennials in the US are saving money in some capacity! You might be surprised to know that […] Read more…
No matter your path, reading some quotes about simple living is a great way to learn about some of the concepts and feel motivated to take action towards simplifying your life. Simple life quotes like these are just what we need to take a moment to slow down and remember what’s important in life. Whether […] Read more…
This comprehensive list of the best minimalist quotes is sure to inspire you along your minimalist journey! Whether you’re looking for quotes from the ‘Minimalism’ documentary, Marie Kondo quotes, or just inspiring minimalist quotes in general, you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for here! There are even minimalism quotes from Aristotle and other […] Read more…
There is such a hype about couponing in the frugal world, but is couponing really worth it? How much time will you spend to save a buck? Being a frugal minimalist, there is always this pull between saving money and trying to simplify my life and routines. In my experience, coupons are one of those […] Read more…
Overwhelmed by the mess? No motivation to clean house? When you need to clean but have no motivation, sometimes you just want a step by step process. Unfortunately, there is no universal step by step process that will work the same for everyone. But believe me, this is actually a good thing! Lots of naturally […] Read more…
Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest post on Frugal Minimalist Kitchen! I’ve outlined my expectations and guidelines for you to follow so we both have a good experience. Please carefully read and follow the guidelines and 4 submission steps listed below for your article to be considered. Article Guidelines Topics: Please read […] Read more…
Resources include: ✔️ Minimalist Meal Plan Printable & 1 Week Sample Meal Plan✔️ Minimalist Kitchen Tools Checklist✔️ Minimalist Pantry Staples Checklist✔️ Minimalist Decluttering Checklist✔️ Top Grocery Savings Tips Get any of the resources below by simply clicking the ones you want, then follow the instructions to get your freebie! Read more…
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